Counselling in English

Nadia Juliette Levinsen, MA, BSc


Counselling in English

I have a private counselling practice in Malmö, Sweden where I offer in-person sessions for clients based in the area. I am also available for Skype sessions for internationally-based clients.

I provide a safe, quiet and confidential space where clients can express themselves at their own pace. At times in our lives we may feel stuck, overwhelmed with our life situation, difficult dynamics, emotions or uncontrollable thoughts. Feelings of sadness, despair or loss of direction can arise as well as an inability to move forward. At these times, counselling is available to provide a secure and contained environment where, in partnership with a counsellor, we look at how to alleviate our symptoms and how to bring down the barrier that is preventing us from reaching our full potential; our potential for well being and self-actualisation.

What I offer

I work as a mental health counsellor with 20 years of experience in the field, providing in-person individual counselling for adults and adolescents from my private practice in Malmö, Sweden. For my internationally based clients, I provide online sessions via Skype or Zoom, that allow for easy access to counselling sessions with flexible scheduling.

My office provides a safe, private and confidential setting for clients.

The approach I use is integrative, taking from various schools of thought in order to mould an approach to fit each client's unique needs and experience at one given point in time. Integrative counselling emphasises the importance of integrating the cognitive, emotional, physiological and behavioural experiences of a person in order to facilitate wholeness and well being.

One of the main approaches I integrate is person-centred counselling which is a humanistic approach whereby the client and I work together, at the client’s pace, at further understanding and dealing with what brought them to counselling and with what may come up in the course of the process. It has been demonstrated across meta-analyses of various approaches that the most important component and catalyst for change in counselling is the therapeutic rapport between the therapist and client. This is a rapport consisting of genuineness, empathy and connectedness.

I find cognitive behavioural techniques of great value in stabilising a client suffering from bouts of anxiety. I apply approaches from interpersonal therapy and transactional analysis when working with relationship concerns or conflicts between various roles in the client's life. Psychodynamic approaches, which look at how our past experiences, including both inter and intra-personal dynamics, have influenced our current behaviours and patterns of thought, can be of great importance in clarifying and giving a sense of meaning to current patterns of behaviour. With an existential approach, together the client and I work in the here and now of the therapy session and look at anxieties rooted in existence that the client may be experiencing as well as blocked feelings and wishes that may be preventing the client from reaching his or her full potentiality. Mindfulness and acceptance and commitment practices highlight the importance of being in the moment, in a non-judgemental and fully aware manner, with whatever states or emotions that surface. It helps the client create the space to connect and be with the body and current experience.

Different approaches can also have a significant role in facilitating different stages of therapy. What is in common with my use of these various approaches is that I work with the client to facilitate access to their inner resources.

About me

I am a Swiss and British national of British and Lebanese origin, having grown up mostly in Switzerland as well as two other countries. After 10 years working with adolescents and adults in my Geneva-based private counselling practice, I relocated in 2016 to Malmö, Sweden, where I live with my husband and two children. I have a love of travelling and discovering different cultures and have lived in three different continents.

My passion for and interest in psychology and human behaviour developed at a young age and ever since I have been building on this through expanding my theoretical knowledge as well as building on my experiential knowledge, my self reflection and insight.

I feel fortunate and honoured to work in this field. In counselling, clients entrust us with their deepest concerns, thoughts, fantasies and feelings.

I provide in-person sessions at my office for English-speaking clients coming from Malmö, Lund, Copenhagen and surrounding areas. For clients based in other countries who are interested in online counselling sessions, you are welcome to contact me.

The counselling process involves a journey on which two people with a strong, trusting relationship embark.

My Training

BSc Psychology, MA Counselling

Professional Training and Experience

I have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Psychology from University of Nottingham, U.K. My Master of Arts degree in Professional Mental Health Counselling is from Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland.

My experience during my training involved work in the school system with children with special needs, work in the forensic psychiatric hospital setting both with patients with chronic illnesses as well as patients with acute illnesses and finally individual private counselling of children, adolescents and adults. Since qualifying, I have had over 10 years experience in private practice , working with adults and adolescents, using an integrative counselling approach. I also worked as a school counsellor in an international school for two years.

Continued Training, Workshops and Education

In this field, continued education and training is of extreme importance in order to expand one's repertoire of techniques and modalities as well as to remain up to date with developing therapies and approaches. It is also a requirement for membership with professional associations.

I have continued training in the following areas:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Emotion Freedom Technique
  • Energy Psychology
  • Psycho-traumatology
  • Psycho-sexual therapy
  • Image Re-scripting for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
  • Focusing psychotherapy
  • Transactional Analysis

I believe that through each therapeutic process, not only does the client hopefully grow, develop increased insight and move towards reaching his or her potential, but the counsellor also grows and learns.

"Technique follows understanding." -Rollo May

​Professional Membership and Accreditation

  • European Association of Counselling (EAC) Accredited European Counsellor status
  • Register of Authorised Counsellors Sweden (RACS)
  • Swiss Association of Counselling (SGfB) with advanced federal diploma
  • Swiss Foundation of Complementary Medecine (ASCA)
  • Swiss Society of Psychology (SSP) "membre extraordinaire"

I abide by the professional ethics and code of conduct of these professional organisations as well as the required continued education hours and supervision sessions.

Other information

A quiet office in Malmö, Sweden


My office is located on my property in Videdal. It is accessible by car or bus followed by a short walk (500m). Bus 6 from center of Malmö takes 15-20 minutes to reach Dalvik or Ulricedal, the closest bus stops. My office is separate from the house and has it's own entrance so is a quiet, private and confidential setting.


My rate is 1000.- SEK (incl. VAT) per 60 minute session. I offer a sliding scale for students and unemployed. For internationally-based clients, I charge 110.- Euros per 60 minute session.

I work as a private counsellor or "samtalsterapeut" which is the equivalent Swedish term. I do not work under the public Swedish health system. This means that the client pays privately for their sessions. It allows for speedy and direct access to a counsellor as well as flexibility in the duration and the counselling approach the client is looking for. I strongly believe that each therapeutic process is different. It is important that the client feels that the approach is catered to his / her personal needs.

My business is F-Skatt approved.


For changes or cancellations of scheduled appointments, please let me know 48 hours in advance. Cancellations after that time will lead to the scheduled session being charged. Thank you for your understanding.


Office Address:

Björnbärsgatan 17
212 29 Malmö

Contact Details:

+46 70 431 01 96

[email protected]